One step off the plane at Dulles International Airport in D.C. last month might have been the biggest moment of Ovalbek Turdakun’s life.
With his wife and 11-year-old son beside him, Ovalbek praised God for his family’s newfound freedom.
An ethnic Kyrgyz, Ovalbek was detained in 2018 by CCP officials who claimed he stayed too long in neighboring Kyrgyzstan.
This brave brother in Christ endured interrogations where guards cut off circulation with restraints, locked him in a torture chair for hours, and shocked him with electric prods when he tried to move or sleep.
Communist guards injected him with so-called “vaccines.” But these shots were anything but helpful. Ovalbek lost the ability to walk after injections and had to be carried around by other prisoners for months!
It’s truly God’s providence that Ovalbek was released later in 2018 and went with his family to Kyrgyzstan in 2019. Some special advocates for human rights and religious freedom then helped the family stay safe in different locations until they could come to America last month.
Ovalbek (with hat) alongside his wife, Bob Fu (red tie), and Congressman Chris Smith
Why is it so monumental that Ovalbek and his family are in the United States, you may ask?
Because his testimony about the brutal torture and abuse he endured could be some of the most comprehensive evidence about the Communist Party’s crimes against humanity!
You see, Ovalbek has a legal background. Even as he was tortured, he carefully made mental notes of actions by guards that could be deemed as violations of international law. These details are incredibly helpful to law professionals building cases against the Communist Party.
Ovalbek is actually the very first Christian detained in one of these horrific Xinjiang concentration camps to publicly share his story. It’s truly a miracle how his testimony will be such a powerful example of how our God is ‘mighty to save’ and give a voice to so many who are still silenced in the CCP’s concentration camps!
Now Ovalbek, his wife, and son need your help as they settle into American life.
Your gift this month of $300, $200, $100, or any amount you can give will help cover basic living expenses, go towards rent for a safe and clean apartment, and help cover travel costs so Ovalbek can speak to reporters, and freedom-focused human rights activists in Washington D.C.
Now please join me this month in doing all we can to equip and edify this brave trio to speak the truth and allow it to testify about the CCP’s brutality - to all who are willing to listen!