Huoshi Camera
A government official takes video footage of Huoshi Church.

Interview with persecuted church member

In an exclusive interview, a member of Huoshi Church recounted the church’s experience under government oppression, including the leak of a state-run center dedicated to harassing the church. An excerpt can be read below.

Q: What do you think was the most unexpected incident?

A: I didn’t expect the confidential document. I knew they were going to do something about the church, but I didn’t expect it to be so serious. If [the government] has a coordination center, it means they can mobilize all their resources. (...) This document suggests that there must be some provincial level [government body] or an even higher level on the operation. It’s not just a single case. There’s a big plan, and our church is just part of the plan.

Q: “We just started our FreeYangHua campaign, and I think we have people interested in Yang Hua. Has anyone had any recent contact with Yang Hua?” 

A: “I contact his wife almost every day. The last lawyer visit to Yang Hua was 10 days ago … recently, [the government] has increasingly monitored his wife. Actually, they increased their monitoring of … [Pastor] Su Tianfu and his wife as well. I don’t know why.”

To learn more about the church’s current struggles and find out how you can help, check out the full transcript of this interview on the China Aid website.


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